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5 Benefits of a Simple Morning Routine and How it Improves Your Performance at Work

Ever wonder what’s truly behind a morning routine? Do you find yourself wondering if it can actually change your life?


Not only was I skeptical too but as someone who consistently put in 12-hour days in the office, I didn’t think I could fit it into my schedule.


I was never a morning person and for years I convinced myself I would never be.  I’d never be one of those people who get up at 5 am to exercise, journal, and read… but as I fought years of chronic career burnout that often landed me in the ER, I had no choice but to get out of my own way and give it a shot.


I was hooked.


It was a game-changer and now I can’t stress enough the power a structured morning has on your physical and mental health.


Starting my day with exercise not only boosted my energy levels, but it also improved my focus and productivity at work.


Plus, dedicating some of my mornings to personal growth and mindset practices transformed my outlook on work and life.


Now, I face each day with a renewed sense of purpose and drive where I once felt trapped in a hamster wheel of long days in the office and feelings of guilt when taking time off.


If you’re feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of overwork and zero quality time for yourself and your loved ones, I encourage you to consider reshaping your morning routine.


The benefits are far-reaching, from improving your overall physical and mental wellness and the quality of your life and relationships to enhancing your career performance.


1.      Confidence Boost


I thought taking just a few minutes for self-care was way too small of a habit to make an impact and boy was I wrong! This practice immediately made me feel healthier, happier, and way more comfortable in my skin. 


My confidence started to skyrocket, and it didn’t go unnoticed. People started commenting on it, and my professional life drastically improved

More importantly, colleagues and bosses alike took notice of the fact that I was focusing on my health and setting boundaries around work and home life. They not only respected it; they were inspired by it.


It was only then that I put two and two together and realized that physical and mental health is fundamental for strengthening your confidence, which in turn helps elevate your professional career.


2.      Minimized Anxiousness


This is probably my favorite benefit and one I desperately needed. As someone who is already anxious by nature, being in a high-anxiety industry didn’t help.


Here again, I didn’t I couldn’t initially connect the dots between establishing a structured daily routine and reduced anxiety.


I was pleasantly surprised to see that on days when I was consistent with my morning routine, I was able to handle challenging situations at work and at home in a much calmer and more effective way than I’d been.


3.      Mental Sharpness and Clarity


It’s amazing what spending a few minutes each day reading, meditating, exercising, praying, journaling, or any combination of these activities can do for your mind and mindset.


I went from sitting at my work desk most days in a complete fog for the better part of the morning to being ready to go with ideas, problem-solving, creativity, and energy I didn’t even know I had.


After a while, I figured out what the difference was. 


On days I spent most of my mornings at work in a fog and couldn’t seem to focus or get any work done, I’d wake up with just enough time to get ready to leave the house. 


Those mornings were chaotic, rushed, and filled with anxiety because I often started the day checking work emails, which would steal any peace from what should be a sacred part of anyone’s day.


On days when I woke up a couple of hours before I had to leave for work and dedicated that time to self-care, including exercise, reading, and journaling (and went nowhere near any work-related activities), I nourished my mind and body in a way that armed me for whatever came my way.


Those mornings my mind felt clear and sharp, my ideas and creativity would flow effortlessly, and my energy was calm and positive.

4.      Energy Boost


Speaking of energy, I didn’t just get creative energy. I experienced a physical energy boost that quite literally gave me my life back.


I used to come home from work exhausted and many days I’d just go straight to bed. No dinner, no catching up with my husband, no playing with the kids, only to do it all again the next day.

I lost so many days, months, and years in a state of autopilot and high anxiety.


Gaining that quality time with them simply because I decided to give that 5 am workout life a try is priceless. You can replace many things. Time is not one of them.


5.      Knowledge Sharing

People who know me, know how much I love sharing things I find valuable.


Whether it’s advice, books, podcasts, Ted Talks, or any other personal growth resource, helping someone navigate challenges I’ve been able to overcome brings me so much joy.


This is a benefit that may fly under the radar but also contributes to happiness, self-esteem, and a sense of community and belonging – all of which are indispensable for professional success and a joyful and purpose-filled personal life.


Thank you so much for spending time here.  I’ll see you next time! Until then, express gratitude often, pay it forward when you can, and be kind to everyone… especially yourself.



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm Claudia. A solid wellness routines that includes fitness, mindset, nutrition, and the best clean supplements helped pull me out of severe career burnout and I hope what I share helps you do the same.


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